Docker: Bridging the Gap Between Development and Operations

Traditionally, DEVELOPERS developed applications. Then, they hand it over to the OPERATIONS team to deploy and manage it in production environments.

Developers do that by providing a set of instructions or GUIDES to the Operations team such as information about how the host must be set up, what pre-requisites are to be installed on the host and how the dependencies are to be configured.

The Operations team uses this GUIDE to set up the application. Since the operations team did not DEVELOP the application on their own, they struggled with setting it up.

When the Ops team hits an issue, they contact and work with developers to resolve the issue which was quite hectic for both the side.

But with DOCKER, a major portion of work involved in setting up the insfrastructure is now in the hands of the developers in the form of a DOCKER FILE.

The Guide that developers built previously to set up the infrastructure can now easily be put together into a DOCKER FILE to create an IMAGE for the application. This IMAGE can now run on any container platform (Docker, containerD, CRI-O, etc) and is guaranteed to run the same way everywhere.

So, the Operations team can simply use the image to deploy the application. Since the image was already working when the developer built it and operations not modifying it, it continues to work in the same way when deployed in production.
